Abelssoft SSD Fresh 2021 full version updated v10.0.9:is a new software that will help you to maintain and optimize the SSD in your pc or laptop. The application assists you in configuring your system in an optimal way in order to reduce the unnecessary write processes. SSD drive has a number of write accesses per memory cell SSD Fresh helps you to deactivate all unnecessary write acitivites of your pc laptop computer,
This increases the lifetime of your SSD
OS: Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 (Supports all 32bit and 64bit versions)
Compatible with 64/32bit.
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows vista
Windows 7
Windows xp
Features of Abelssoft SSD Fresh 2021:
- View drive information.
- View S.M.A.R.T. data.
- Disabling the Windows defragmentation.
- Timestamp deactivation.
- Prefetch off.
- Disabling the defragmentation of boot files.
- Deactivation of the Windows event logging.
- Storing short name off.